
We are creating a shift away from
material wealth to true abundance.

Sustainability at Valuence

Sustainability  at Valuence

"Reuse" is one of the major initiatives to achieve a circular economy,
and we believe that expanding our core reuse business globally will lead to the realization of a sustainable society.
By proactively addressing ESG issues and narrowing down what is truly necessary for all stakeholders,
we aim to realize a world where everyone can live in a way that is true to themselves.


Valuence takes on the challenge of solving social issues through our core business of reuse,
which connects unwanted items from former owners to new owners in need.
To focus on what is most important. To pursue not only material wealth, but an abundance in living one’s own life.
We believe designing circular business activities for a more abundant Earth and
for the happiness of humanity will lead to a future of happiness worldwide.

Valuence Holdings Inc.
Representative Director

Shinsuke Sakimoto

Key Themes and Our Aim to be

Key Themes and Our Aim to be

In order to achieve our aim to be, “Circular Design Company”, by 2030, Valuence Group has
formulated a new medium-term management plan, “To the Next Stage : For 2030 Revival Vision” (FY25-FY27).
Along with the new plan, we redefine our materialities and
established four new key themes and the indicator and target for the Valence Group to work towards.


Realization of the purpose "Circular Design for the Earth and Us"


Achievement of our mission "To Encourage More People to
Focus on What is Most Important in Their Lives"

Provide Value that Broadens
People's Life Perspectives

Global Economic Zone where
Goods and Thoughts circulate

Corporate Culture and
Human Resources as the
Source of Value Design

Responsible Business
Practice for the Earth and
the Society


Provide Value that
Broadens People's Life Perspectives.

In order to create a future where people can “focus on what is most important in their lives”, each and every one of us needs to pursue a rich way of life for ourselves. Valuence aims to provide products and services that accompany you through the various choices and situations that occur in your life, foster richness, and expand your options in life.


Global Economic Zone
Where Goods and Thoughts Circulate.

We believe that if people around the world can “focus on what is most important”, both people and the planet will continue to become richer, and this will bring happiness to the world. Valence aims to build and expand a global economic zone where the circulation of real assets and spiritual richness ripple out through coexistence and co-prosperity with the community, based on a marketplace that can be used safely by all.


Corporate Culture and Human Resources
as the Source of Value Design

The fact that each and every employee pursues their dreams and careers, and continues to seek out actions that will expand their potential, is the starting point for Value Design, which allows everyone involved with Valuence to focus on what is most important. Valuence aims to create a culture where each and every employee can feel that they have a place to belong, and to provide support and encouragement that allows all the employees to be healthy in body and mind, and to be able to demonstrate their individuality and talents.


Responsible Business Practice
for the Earth and Society

In order for us to design a sustainable cycle over the medium to long term, it is essential that we build a robust governance system and achieve sustainable corporate growth in a rich global environment and society. Valuence aims to operate its business based on ethical and fair decisions while sincerely engaging with stakeholders, including the global environment and society.

Materiality and its Process of Identification


Identifying and Extracting ESG Issues and Opportunities

We extracted ESG issues and opportunities that could be candidates for materiality, with reference to international guidelines and evaluation organizations related to ESG.


Gathering Stakeholder Feedback

We conducted a questionnaire survey of customers and all employees (including overseas) to ask them to evaluate the issues and opportunities they expect us to address.


Identifying Materiality

We held a workshop with management and employees in charge of financing to evaluate the importance of each issue and opportunity.
Based on the results of this workshop, we mapped the issues and the opportunities onto a materiality matrix and identified 17 materiality issues.


Approval of Materiality and Establishment of Subcommittees

The 17 materiality issues were deliberated by the ESG Promotion Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
Based on this, we organized the materiality issues into 4 key themes.
We established subcommittees for each theme and appointed ESG Promotion Committee members as the responsible persons.


Formulation of Indicators, Targets, and Action Plans

Each subcommittee, which is made up of representatives selected from related departments, formulated indicators, targets, and action plans to measure the degree of achievement for each materiality.
We will strengthen the cooperation between the ESG Promotion Committee and related departments in order to achieve our goals.

  • Moderate
  • Large
  • Significant

Impact on the Earth and Society

  • Significant
  • Large
  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Large
  • Significant

Impact on the Business

Key Therme:

  • Provide Value that Broadens People's Life Perspectives.
  • Global Economic Zone Where Goods and Thoughts Circulate.
  • Corporate Culture and Human Resources as the Source of Value Design
  • Responsible Business Practice for the Earth and Society

Indicators, targets and their progress

Indicators, targets  and their progress

We have set evaluation indicators and some numerical targets for each materiality.
The numerical targets are set for 2027, the year in which we will implement our new medium-term management plan
“To the Next Stage : For 2030 Revival Vision”, and 2030, the year in which we will realize our vision of
becoming a “Circular Design Company”. The plan and promotion of the set indicators and
targets are managed by the person in charge of the Working Group for each key theme,
and are developed into the policies, targets and plans of each related department.
The progress and achievement status of each target is checked by the ESG Promotion Committee
every month and reported to the Board of Directors, ensuring that the PDCA cycle is steadily implemented.

Key Theme Materialities Indicators
(Refer to the ESG data for the detail of each indicator)
mid-term Objectives
(FY30 )
FY24 Achievements
Provide Value that
Broadens People's
Life Perspectives
1. Promotion of sustainable consumption Resale Impact (Avoided CO2 Emission) - - 5,311,106t
Number of repair services provided 50,000 or more Approx. 40,000
2. Providing products and services that expand your life choices Ratio of purchases other than from Nanboya 25% or more 16.1%
5. Turning customers into fans and building long-term relationships Ratio of repeat customers * 50% 46.8%
Global Economic
Zone Where Goods
and Thoughts Circulate
3. Innovative and creative market design Ratio of consignment work in the auction business 40% or more 29.0%
Ratio of retail sales 25% or more 16.7%
Growth ratio of overseas purchases CAGR
25% or more
7. Data privacy and cyber security Ratio of participation in information security training 100% 100% 95%
Number of human errors 0 0 5
10. Coexistence and co-prosperity with communities Community engagement through business activities and social contribution activities - -
  • Work experience workshop for local children (NANBOYA Kagoshima Cen Terrace TENMONKAN)
  • Empowering the dance business trough Valuence INFINITIES
  • Social Contribution Activities
13. Responsible marketing and consumer awareness Marketing that complies with laws and regulations and providing useful information to consumers​ - - Implemented training of green claim
Corporate Culture
and Human
Resources as the
Source of Value Design
8. Occupational health and safety and Employees' Wellbeing Employee engagement score 4.0 4.2 3.6
9. Acquiring, retaining and developing human resources eNPS -50 -40 -63
Job turnover ratio 14% 12% 16.1%
Training hours per person 80h 90h 74h
"My Mission" setting ratio 100% 100% 86%
14. DEIB Proportion of Women in management post 25% 30% 14.6%
Proportion of Women in director post - 30% 16.7%
Proportion of Men that childcare leave taken 80% 100% 76.9%
Gender pay gap 80% 85% 77.6%
Business Practice
for the Earth and
4. Governance, Compliance, Business Ethics Ratio of employee training attendance for the Group Code of Conduct - 100% Released in FY25
Corporate Governance Code
※TSE Prime Market Criteria
Comply all items Comply all items -
6. Respect for human rights Establishing human rights due diligence system​ - -
  • Established human rights policy
  • Implemented human rights training
11. Measures against climate change GHG emissions reduction ratio (Scope 1, 2) (Base year:FY23) 50% 90% Released in Apr 2025
Ratio of renewable energy introduction 50% 100% 0%
GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3) - Carbon Neutral Released in Apr 2025
12. Stakeholders engagement Establishing a system for reflecting stakeholder engagement in management - - Released in FY25
15. Waste management Ratio of recycled materials used in plastic packaging materials - 50% Released in FY25
16. Water resource management Water usage and wastewater volume - - Released in FY25
17. Biodiversity Measures to biodiversity issues - - Released in FY25
  • *Ratio of Repeat Customers : Number of UUs who sell products more than 1 time / Total number of UUs

Value Creation










Circular Design
for the Earth
and Us

Creation Story

Valuence leverages management capital,
the source of our value creation,
to design circular business activities.
We create value to expand individual life choices,
circulate material values,
and create societies that enjoy
the spillover effects of personal abundance.

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Promotion System

We believe that sustainability initiatives are an important management issue for the Valuence Group, and we are promoting a variety of measures under the supervision of the Board of Directors. We have established the ESG Promotion Committee as an organization to support the Board of Directors, and it deliberates and manages ESG-related policies, activity plans, measures, etc. The ESG Promotion Committee is made up of members appointed by the director in charge of ESG promotion, who serves as committee chair. In addition, a subcommittee called "Materiality Working Group" has been established for each key theme, bord of directors are appointed as the person in charge. Under the direction of each person-in-charge, Working Group promotes ESG strategies working with relevant departments for entire Valuence Group. With regard to sustainability-related risks, the Risk Management Committee and the ESG Promotion Committee work together to comprehensively and comprehensively manage risks by collecting and analyzing compliance and risk information for the entire company.

Corporate Philanthropy

We also work to solve social issues through our philanthropic activities. In promoting these activities, we actively support the participation of our employees.

Social Contribution Activity Policy

What you can do right now
for children and the planet

This is a donation program that started on Children’s Day, May 5, 2015, with the hope of creating a society where all children have equal opportunities. All proceeds from the sale of customers’ unworn clothes will be donated to Chance for Children, a public interest incorporated association, to contribute to activities to stop the cycle of poverty among children in Japan.


ESG Data

We disclose our key ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
data on Valuence Group's business activities.