ESG Data

Environment / Society / Governance (ESG) data related to our business activitiyes is available.
For our materiality-related indicators, targets, and progress, please refer to the page “Targets, Achievements, and Progress” .


Resale Impact 2024

Avoided CO2 emissions

5,311,106 t

Avoided energy consumption

21,907,246 GJ

Avoided PM2.5 emissions

2,262,842 t

Avoided water consumption

267,125,247 m3

*Covers goods (watches, bags, jewelry, bullion, apparel, etc.) resold at ALLU, STAR BUYERS AUCTION, and wholesale (bullion) during Sep. 2023 to Aug. 2024

  Data Category FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24
Avoided CO2 emissions (t) 4,315,484 5,849,251 4,828,417 5,311,106
Avoided water consumption (㎥) 221,266,400 297,032,752 243,472,577 267,125,247
Avoided energy consumption (GJ) 17,756,116 24,084,648 19,914,618 21,907,246
Avoided PM2.5 emissions (t) 1,835,900 2,489,485 2,056,954 2,262,842

*Changed the scope of calculation to ALLU, STAR BUYERS AUCTION, and wholesale (bullion) from FY23.

Clarifications on Resale Impact Calculations

  • Our Resale Impact calculations rely on the assumption that when customers purchase a product that the Valuence Group stocks and resells*1 instead of a corresponding non-reused product, the resource procurement, manufacturing, transportation and disposal process for the non-reused product is theoretically omitted; we calculate the environmental impact such as CO₂ emissions that the omitted process could have, and show the result as avoided emissions.
  • We calculate the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycles*2 with GaBi*3, a life cycle assessment (LCA) database, and by using ISO 14040/14044 as a reference. In addition, our Resale Impact figures are calculated by referring to the avoided emissions per product weight for each product category, estimated based on the average material composition of the products that we assume to represent the category. Therefore, the figures are not obtained by calculating and verifying the actual amount of environmental impact of a particular product.
  • Calculations of the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycles and the avoided emissions per product weight for each product category have been conducted under the supervision of Neural Inc. Using these estimated figures, we classify the category and weight of each product and calculate the avoided emissions shown as the Resale Impact. There may be differences in the calculation results between products of the same kind due to differences in the category and weight settings for each product.
  • The latest Resale Impact calculation results for each product and the figures indicated on the e-commerce websites, product tag, etc., may differ due to the review of calculation results.
  • Since we are not a product manufacturer, our Resale Impact calculations cover products the Valence Group stocks and resells*1 (watches, bags, jewelry, bullion, apparel, and accessories).
  • *1 Resale includes consignment sales.
  • *2 Calculations of the environmental impact of products are based on the value chain in Japan.
  • *3 GaBi is a software program provided by Sphera Solutions GmbH to evaluate the sustainability of products through life cycle assessment.
  Data Category FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24
Energy Consumption Electricity (kWh) 2,479,974 2,523,173 2,720,361 3,004,467
Gasoline (kl) 12 20 28 25
Diesel fuel (kl) 65 28 13 17
Total GHG emissions (t-CO₂e) 64,034 74,753 84,119 83,945
Scope 1 265 121 101 104
Scope 2 (Market-based) 1,161 1,104 1,197 1,258
Scope 2 (Location-based) *1 1,406 1,431 1,566 1,736
Scope 3 *2 62,609 73,527 82,821 82,583
Category 1: Purchased goods and services 59,403 70,168 70,094 77,540
Category 2: Capital goods 1,025 100 6,471 5
Category 3: Fuel- and energy-related activities 199 193 206 225
Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution 1,365 1,992 3,070 2,010
Category 5: Waste generated in operations 82 73 90 104
Category 6: Business travel 182 503 658 510
Category 7: Employee commuting 239 269 313 353
Category 8: Upstream leased assets - - - -
Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution 25 97 146 139
Category 10: Processing of sold products - - - -
Category 11: Use of sold products *3 - - 1,401 1,361
Category 12: End of life treatment of sold products 89 132 133 126
Category 13: Downstream leased assets *4 - - 1 2
Category 14: Franchises *5 - - 238 207
Category 15: Investments - - - -
  • Scope of calculation: Valuence Holdings Inc. and its domestic subsidiaries until FY22, consolidated group including overseas subsidiaries from FY23
  • Scope 1: Greenhouse gas emissions from business-use vehicles and air conditioning used for buying offices, administrative offices, and warehouses
  • Scope 2: Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity used in buying offices, administrative offices, and warehouses
  • Scope 3: Greenhouse gas emissions generated indirectly in the value chain (e.g., procurement of goods and services, transportation of goods)
  • Started disclosing location-based Scope 2 emissions from FY23, including figures for the previous fiscal years
  • Figures for the previous fiscal years have been partially revised due to the review of calculation logic and emission factors, associated with the expansion of the scope of calculation for FY23
  • Emissions from the use of vehicles that YONE MOTORS CORPORATION sold during the fiscal year period
  • Emissions from the use of rental cars that YONE MOTORS CORPORATION leased during the fiscal year period
  • Scope 1 and 2 emissions from overseas partner offices


  Data Category FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24
Number of employees Total 707 812 924 942
Men 441 486 511 502
Women 266 326 413 440
Female ratio 37.6% 40.1% 44.7% 46.7%
Number of employees
in management positions*1
Total 56 88 95 96
Men 46 74 84 82
Women 10 14 11 14
Female ratio 17.9% 15.9% 11.6% 14.6%
Turnover rate 13.6% 20.5% 16.4% 16.1%
Average years of service Total average 2years 6months 2years 9months 3 years 3years 5months
Men 2years 7months 2years 11months 3years 4months 3years 9months
Women 2years 6months 2yeas 7months 2years 6months 3years
Average age of employees Total average 30.9 31.6 31.1 31.2
Men 31.8 32.6 32.6 32.6
Women 29.4 30.1 29.4 29.7
Average age of employees
in management positions
Total average 37.9 37.6 37.2 38.4
Men 39.1 38.4 38.3 38.8
Women 36.7 36.8 36.0 37.9
Average annual salary
of employees (JPY) *2
Total average 5,187,160 4,662,643 4,817,223 4,805,084
Men 5,665,686 5,056,395 5,287,109 5,322,411
Women 4,344,954 3,936,795 3,988,514 4,123,448
Average annual salary
of employees
in management positions
(JPY) *2 *3
Total average 10,711,070 7,880,581 8,159,759 8,424,999
Men 10,882,612 8,015,735 8,326,355 8,595,220
Women 10,005,839 6,988,565 6,597,924 7,440,144
Average annual salary
of employees
in non-management
(JPY) *2 *3
Total average 4,349,855 4,179,036 4,288,783 4,269,427
Men 4,666,413 4,430,690 4,558,855 4,538,099
Women 3,840,217 3,784,131 3,890,045 3,970,706
Gender pay gap *1 Total 76.6% 77.7% 76.0% 77.6%
Regular employees - - 75.5% 77.9%
Non-regular employees - - 77.2% 71.9%
Childcare leave Ratio of childcare leave taken
Men 4.3% 4.0% 32.0% 76.9%
Women 100% 100% 100% 100%
Ratio of employees returning
to work after childcare leave
Men 100% 100% 100% 100%
Women 90% 82% 100% 100%
with disabilities
Number of employees
with disabilities
10 15 18 25
Ratio of employees
with disabilities
2.08% 2.25% 2.43% 2.79%
Annual days off Number of annual days off 128 128 128 128
Paid leave Average number of
paid leave granted
12.7 13.7 13.4 13.9
Average number of
paid leave taken
7.0 10.1 8.8 10.0
Average ratio of
paid leave taken
54.7% 73.8% 75.5% 80.7%
Working hours Total annual working hours
(average per person)
1944:20 1945:06 1944:14 1988:06
Monthly hours of overtime work
(average per person)
11:37 14:49 18:02 16:55
Ratio of over
time work exceeding
the upper limit
(more than 45 hours per month)
2.0% 2.9% 4.0% 3.3%
Health Ratio of employees
covered by social insurance
100% 100% 100% 100%
Participation rate of
periodic health check up
100% 100% 100% 99.7%
Participation rate of
stress checkup
85% 84% 84% 89%
Absenteeism (days) *4 - - 2.5 2.8
Presenteeism *5 - - 74% 76%
Smoking rate - - - 22.7%
Average difference
between employees' health age
and actual age *6
- - - 0.6
Occupational safety and health Number of
occupational accidents
in the entire group
2 3 5 3
Number of work-related
deaths in the entire group
0 0 0 0
Average hours of training per employee - 56 hours 71 hours 74 hours
Engagement "My Mission" setting ratio *7 - - - 86%
eNPS - - - -63
Employee engagement score *8 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.6
  • * Scope of calculations: For items without notes, full-time and contract employees of Valuence Holdings Inc. (including employees seconded to subsidiaries)
  • *1 Calculated based on "Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life"(Act No. 64 of September 4, 2015)
  • *2 Average of total salary (September-August) and bonus (winter and summer) paid to full-time employees (excluding those on leave for one month or more) enrolled for the full year (excluding employees on leave or working shorter hours)
  • *3 Average annual salary for FY21 includes stock-based compensation due to the lifting of restrictions on transfer-restricted shares
  • *4 Average number of days used for sick leave and days absent from work due to injury or illness
  • *5 Average score of employee survey using SPQ (Single-Item Presenteeism Question, University of Tokyo, 1-item version)
  • *6 "Health age (based on the result of health checkup)" minus "actual age"
  • *7 Percentage of employees who have set their own “My Mission” goals (free goals that combine work and private life) in the personnel evaluation system
  • *8 Average scores (on a scale of 1 to 5) for “company satisfaction,” “job satisfaction,” “supervisor satisfaction,” and “workplace satisfaction” in an external engagement survey conducted on consolidated Group employees


  Data Category FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24
Number of directors 9 10 11 12
Men 9 9 10 10
Women 0 1 1 2
Female ratio 0% 10.0% 9.1% 16.7%
Number of outside directors 5 6 6 7
Number of independent directors 5 5 5 6
Ratio of attendance
at the Board of Directors meetings
100% 100% 100% 98%
Number of the Audit and
Supervisory Committee members
(of which outside directors)
4 (3) 4 (3) 4 (3) 4 (3)
Number of the Nomination
and Compensation Committee members
(of which outside directors)
5 (4) 4 (3) 4 (3) 4 (3)
Total amount of
executive compensation
(million yen)
306 220 279 236
Compensation of directors
(excluding the Audit and
Supervisory Committee
and outside directors)
253 172 225 173
Compensation of Nomination
and Compensation Committee
(excluding outside directors)
21 10 12 13
Compensation of
outside directors
32 38 41 50
Number of whistleblower incidents 7 8 6 9
Political donations none none none none
Ratio of participation
in information security training *
- - - 95%
Number of human errors related
to information security
- - - 5
  • * Including permanent and contract employees of the Valuence Group, as well as outsourcers and others who have been granted Valuence Group accounts.